Turmoil of Dreams
by Carole Butter

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Turmoil of Dreams - by Carole Butter
Product details
Paperback: 118 pages
Publisher: Carole Butter
ISBN: 9780646918556
Trim size: 229 x 153 mm
Carly O’Brien’s life was plagued by many dreams and premonitions. She learnt at an early age to accept her special gift and use it wisely. 

She tried not to dwell on the dreams she didn’t understand, so she would dismiss them and eventually time would reveal to her all she needed to know. Some were significant dreams, some were not.

There was however, one dream in particular that began to dominate her life. Dreams are not only for those who sleep and for Carly the dream that haunted her took her on a journey half way around the world to discover its meaning.

Turmoil of Dreams is a story of sacrifice, heartbreak and a love that knows no bounds. 

About the Author 
CAROLE BUTTER was born in Australia and lives in Melbourne with her husband Ron, dog Toby and cat Genie.  Her childhood was spent in Hobart Tasmania where she attended Goodwood Primary School and Robert Cosgrove High School.

Her love for writing began in Primary school, where her stories were circulated throughout the classrooms and were enjoyed by both teachers and students. With her maiden name being Quill, her teacher would say that she was destined to become a writer. After high school she followed many and varied career paths, from Secretarial positions to Sales Consultant for various companies. She stopped working to have her two daughters, and during that time she wrote stories to amuse them.

It was always Carole’s plan to write a book when she retired. TURMOIL OF DREAMS is her first Novella. She hopes you will enjoy reading it as much as she has enjoyed writing it. Watch out in the near future for book two of the series.
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Review : Enjoyed the book. Sad in parts. Worth reading.

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