Zelda's Curse plus other Children's Stories – by K J Sheerin
Product details
Paperback: 56 pages
Publisher: armchairpublising
ISBN: ISBN 9780980730869
Trim size: 129 x 198 mm (pbk)
Imagination, we all possess one…
ZELDA’S CURSE: Nigel is fired up each time he mows Zelda’s front lawn. A new gnome or frog is added to her collection, under the front window, and usually follows some strange occurrence. He suspects witchcraft is involved…
JOHNNY FOUR-EYES: Nobody likes being picked on and bullied at school, and yet Johnny lived with it every day. The situation comes to a head one day when he goes home with a bloodied nose. Join him as he tries to outwit his foe.
THE CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS: All of us would like lots of presents at Christmas time, but not everyone can afford them. Kim and Sally’s mother was one, but fortunately Aunt Emily’s Christmas stockings add to the day.
METAMORPHIS: When Aaron’s mate, Gary, fails to show up to an after dark rendezvous, he finds a frog in his place. His imagination runs riot and all attempts to locate his friend in the days after, are to no avail.