Hamlet's Angel
by Bee Williamson

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Hamlet's Angel –by Bee Williamso
Product details
Paperback: 68 pages
Publisher: Bee Williamson
ISBN: Bee's Boutique Books
Trim size: 148 x 210 mm
Spiritual emergency or spiritual emergence?
Bee Williamson started writing her play Hamlet’s Angel, in 1995, to dramatise the untold story of Ophelia, driven mad by grief, explore the lives of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath, and delve into her own grandmother’s mental illness. Very soon, out of the blue, it became her own story of madness, when she was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2000.

Hamlet’s Angel – a mix of music, images and an exploration of awakening kundalini – was completed with help from dramaturg Martin R White, funded by the City of Port Phillip, Cultural Development Fund in 2007. Mentored by Nilgun Guven, Bee took the play to the National Young Writers Festival, where it was performed by Rachel Edward and Ellen Casey, in the same year
Name : Professor Jayashri Kulkarni
Location : Monash University
Title : Intense Description of Psychosis and Eastern Philosophy Woven into a Play
Review : Bee Williamson has written about her grandmother - Christine's - experience of psychosis intertwined with her own eventual experience and diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder. This play weaves Eastern philosophy, English literature characters (Ophelia from Shakespeare's Hamlet) with experiences of distortions to reality and paranoia. Clever use of a 'voice over' to depict her grandmother's experiences result in an imagined conversation and warm relationship across the generations. The women's shared ECT experience is discussed and the comparison of some of the out of body feelings to an LSD 'trip' assists the reader to really feel what Bee went through. This is an intriguing play that makes the reader step into the shoes of someone experiencing psychosis in the 2000s, as well as much earlier (Christine) in the 20th century. It is not an easy read - but it is an important read for anybody who works with, or lives with a person who has experienced psychosis. Bee Williamson is to be congratulated for bringing together diverse strands of philosophy, literature and mental illness to dramatise a 'time travelling' journey through her family experience of psychosis

Name : Anthony de Castella
Location : Melbourne
Title : An important work
Review : Hamlet's Angel is an insightful, significant recount of a journey with mental illness. A must read for anyone wanting to better understand mental illness and it's impact on lives. Bee Williamson is a talented and skilful writer who blends her own personal story with that of the broader experience of mental illness.

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