The Best of Boroondara Trivia
by Marc Fiddian

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The Best of Boroondara Trivia - by Marc Fiddian
Product details
Paperback: 144 pages
Publisher: BookPOD (2022)
ISBN: 978-1-922270-79-5
Trim size: 210 x 148 mm
SIGNING a visitors’ book is not an unusual occurrence, but can you recall where and when you signed one? This writer remembers one in particular, at the Greyhound bus station at Butte, Montana, in the United States, in 1970. Butte, once home to the wealth-producing Anaconda copper mine, is set on elevated land 5538 feet (1688 metres) above sea level and had a rather run-down appearance when I visited en route from Seattle to Minneapolis. It was Sunday lunch time and I ordered roast beef at the Greyhound dining room. An affable fellow was running the place and was something of a chief cook and bottle-washer although his duties did not seem to faze him. ``Give me a few minutes and I’ll make some fresh gravy to go with the roast beef,’’ he advised me. In between his chores he kept abreast with play in the World Series baseball and told me the Cincinnati Reds had just scored a home run against the Baltimore Orioles. After finishing my repast, I went to the counter to pay the bill and was asked by the gregarious Greyhound man if I would sign the visitors’ book. ``Certainly,’’ I said, and no sooner had started writing my details when I noticed a recent entry was from some people in Barkers Rd – I cannot remember whether it was Kew or Hawthorn – and I mumbled a surprised ``goodness’’. ``Is something wrong?’’, the Greyhound chap asked. I explained there wasn’t and was somewhat surprised to see an address so close to where I lived in Melbourne, Australia. After all, it was a long way from home. With that I was given a warm welcome to the United States and best wishes for the rest of my travels.

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