Looking Back – Life of my Forebears – by Mary Duffield-Legge
Product details
Paperback: 487 pages
Publisher: Legge Publishing
ISBN: 9780646571980
Trim size: 210 x 297 mm
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor – the old nursery rhyme used cherry stones to foretell what you would be when you grew up.
King, Commoner, Army, Church, Tradesman, Merchant, Farmer – this book travels in the other direction. It tells who came before and how many lines from many places came together in one Melbourne family.
The story starts with the author in Australia, but goes back generation after generation to discover ancestors in India, Persia, Italy, France, England and Scotland. Henry III, William the Conqueror and Alfred the Great turn up in one line. Other lines don’t go back nearly as far; but the history through which they travel makes up much of this book, and the resultant inheritance comes from a very varied gene pool.