Water Races and Tin Mines of the Torra District
by Coleen Bower

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Water Races and Tin Mins of the Torra District by Coleen Bower

Product details
Paperback: 162 pages
Publisher: Coleen Bower
ISBN: 9780987498106
Trim size: 210 x 297 mm

Toora was known as Tin City, for a short time. Its tin mining history began in the early 1870’s when local prospectors explored the water courses. Some sluicing for the tin deposits commenced at Granite Bar in 1890 and a short time later along Tin (Mine) Creek.  It continued, sometimes at  a feverish pace, until the 1930’s.  In the heavily vegetated hills behind Toora and Welshpool, water races were surveyed and then cut from the upper reaches of Dingo Creek at Wonyip, the Franklin River near Mt. Fatigue and the lower section of the Agnes River, close to the mineral leases along Tin Mine Creek.  Some sections of a water race are visible from today’s roads and the location of gravel and sand extraction activities has indicated the position of the main tin mining companies.

About the Author
Coleen grew up in Templestowe. She graduated from Monash University and was a geography teacher in State secondary schools for 33 years. Her interest in family and local history began in the early 1980’s with the writing of the Beale Family History. Since then she has written several family histories, indexed local rate books, the oral history of her father’s experiences in Darwin, 1942 and more recently she wrote the story of  a great uncle’s World War 1 experiences from his diaries and surviving documents.  Her first book on an aspect of Toora’s history was co–written with Gwen Truscott, in 2007. This book combines her father’s memories of growing up at Mt. Best and the many hours of research and discussions with descendants of the Toora District. Her passion for writing another Australian story continues with this book.

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