All scheduling software is difficult to learn for a number of reasons. None have the optimal settings when installed and templates, views and default options need to be adjusted to obtain the best possible performance. Usually the Help files do not connect the user to real life situations and do not explain the practical use of functions. Furthermore, there are many flicks and switches with obscure names that are difficult to understand or decide what they do or which are important. These issues make learning the software very difficult without a comprehensive guide written by an experienced user. Investing in a book written by Paul E Harris will address all these issues and allow you to setup the software properly and understand all the obscure functions letting you become productive more quickly and enhance your career opportunities and salary with a solid understanding of the software. This book is aimed at showing project management professionals how to use the software in a project environment. It designed for users of earlier versions to upgrade their skills and for new planners to learn how to use the software. It starts with the basics required to create a schedule, then setting a baseline and updating a schedule. It then covers resource planning and some of the more advanced features. Microsoft® Project 365 is a subscription version of Microsoft Project 2019 Professional and therefore this book covers versions 2013, 2016 and 2019. This book is similar to other books written by the author but has been tailored for Microsoft Project 365.. This publication was written so it may be used as:
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